The Proposal
We welcome the local community’s view on the development proposal.
The scheme detailed below is the result of an earlier pre-application meeting
with Pendle Borough Council and Muller Property Group.
Muller Property Group have undertaken an initial scoping exercise showing a potential layout for the site.
The indicative designs demonstrate scope for up to 90 residential dwellings with public open space, private gardens, parking, external landscaping and associated highways infrastructure.
A new residential development would include:
- 90 Residential Dwellings (Including affordable homes) comprising of 1 & 2 bed apartments, 2 & 3 bed townhouses, and 3 & 4 bed semi detached homes
- Outdoor public open spaces and private gardens
- Landscaping improvements across the site, with additional shrub and tree planting
- Maintaining the footpath through the site to preserve accessibility & connectivity
- New areas of off road parking including bicycle parking
- Retention of the access road through to the existing commercial use and dwelling
The layout aligns with the principles of the Pendle Borough Council design guide, and will incorporate a palette of materials that complement the wider site location.
Additionally, the scheme includes a provision of affordable homes, in line with Policy LIV4 that requires affordable housing is provided for developments of 15 or more homes in West Craven.
Payment of the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and delivering broader community benefits such as Public Open Space, S106 contributions to education, healthcare, and sports facilities will be reviewed in consultation with Pendle Borough Council alongside the planning application.
*Indicative proposals are subject to Local Authority approval.
Scope of Submission
Going forward a comprehensive design and technical team have been tasked with reviewing and advising on the development proposals for the site.
The planning application is anticipated to be informed by the following disciplines:
- Air Quality
- Archaeology
- Biodiversity Net Gain
- Assessment of Noise Impacts
- Contaminated Land
- Ecology & Wildlife
- Energy and Sustainability
- Flood Risk and Drainage
- Landscape and Visual Impact
- Footpath Connectivity & Pedestrian and Cycle Accessibility
- Transport & Traffic
A development by: